Conference: Locating Women in ‘the Folk’: Perspectives on Women’s Contributions to Folk Song, Folklore, and Cultural Traditions
The woman in grief – Frigg lost her son, so did I
Venke Aure, professor in art didactics at Oslo and Akershus University College of applied sciences
Mimesis Heidi Dahlsveen, associated professor in storytelling and storyteller at Oslo and Akershus University College of applied sciences
This is a performing paper, a mixing of discourses based on a performance about the grieving woman
The focus of the paper is a storytelling performance that blends a personal narrative with a Norse myth about losing a child. The past view of the woman blends with the modern and highlights something invariable. Through grotesque realism (Mikhail Bakhtin), the artistic research look at the concretization of abstract ideas that manifest themselves bodily and the mixing of the private and the public, the past and the present.
In their expression, the two authors mix the personal and the academic using temporality, contrasts, interruptions and various physical placements.
Through narratives and written and spoken polyphonic utterances, the authors will clarify how the two concepts artistic and art-based research can be linked to different academic meanings and focuses on the women in narratives. In the blurring of the lines that separate art, academia and life, a criticism of a tradition that is based on discrete disciplinary disciplines and institutional structures arises, not losing the view of the woman.
Relational aesthetic strategies emerges as a necessary approach. In the presentation of the relationship, both Nicolas Bourriaud’s relocation of the field of art focuses on the work of relationships and meetings between works and persons in a specific context. In addition, Claire Bishop’s criticism of the harmony perspective in Bourriaud’s thinking is used as the authors maintain the grotesque associated with an existential experience of the grieving woman.

The goat as son in law – Alden Biesen februar 2020
Sammen med blant annet Abbi Patrix opptrådte jeg med norsk folkeeventyr i Alden Biesen, Belgia. Mimesis Heidi Dahlsveen har arbeidet som fortellerkunstner siden 1996 i både inn - og utland. Hun deltatt på flere festivaler og i to EU prosjekter som omhandler den...

Berlin 2020
I Berlin hadde jeg tre dagers kurs for UDK og to forestillinger.